Sunday, November 2, 2008

Ultimate Spider-Man #1

Ok, so you are probably wondering, "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU POSTING ALL THESE CRAZY COOL AWESOME REVIEWS OF ALL THESE CRAZY SUPER HERO DUDES?", right? well, its because i am just that crazy Cool myself! :)

Speaking of witch, brings me to The Ultimat Spider-Man Issue #1.

I am reviewing only issue #1 probably because I loved that one so much, and yes, there are many other sweet Spider-Man comics out there, but I always thought this one was one of my favorites, only because its the first one I myself actually bought with my own pocket change.

Ultimate Spider-Man issue #1, is a modernized re-imagining of Marvel's long-running Spider-Man comic book franchise as part of its Ultimate Marvel imprint. Ultimate Spider-Man exists alongside other revamped Marvel characters in Ultimate Marvel titles including Ultimate X-Men, Ultimate Fantastic Four, and The Ultimates. I love it also because I have liked Spider-Man for a long while, and the new change of artwork is a huge step that Marvel was willing to take, and I thought it was a great change for them to mix it up a bit.

Another 10/10 for any Spider-Man lovers, and maybe all The Comic Book Nerds like myself out there :)


And if any of you wanna find me on Facebook, go ahead and stop by ;D

Thanks again True-Believers!!!

1 comment:

Andrenn said...

I myself love ultimate Spider-man, great book. Though I'm a bit worried how Ultimatu mill shake up the Ultimate universe, there is rumor that Sue Storm dies.